Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Pet spider kills its owner

A MAN who lived in his own “zoo” of lizards and insects was fatally bitten by a pet black widow spider ? then eaten by the other creepy-crawlies.

Police broke in to Mark Voegel’s apartment to find spider Bettina along with 200 others, several snakes, a gecko lizard called Helmut and several thousand termites had gorged on his body.
Neighbours alerted police after becoming alarmed by the stink.

Full story:

Utbrott av ESBLcarba på ett tyskt sjukhus innebar dödsfall hos sårbar patientgrupp

Invasiva infektioner med karbapenemresistenta bakterier (enligt svensk nomenklatur ESBLCARBA, reds.anm) är förknippade med hög dödlighet, vilket framgår i denna utbrottsbeskrivning från Tyskland. Totalt fann man karbapenemresistenta Klebsiella pneumoniae, KRKP, hos sju patienter på enheten för allmän- och transplantationskirurgi. Fem hade en invasiv infektion. Samtliga fem avled och dödsfallen bland fyra av dem var direkt relaterat till KRKP-infektionen. Mikrobiologiskt fann man att isolaten varKlebsiella pneumoniae, och att de producerade enzymerna KPC-2 och VIM-1 som bryter ned karbapenemer (enligt svensk klassifikation lika med ESBLCARBA). En utbrottsgrupp bildades och genom flertalet insatta åtgärder lyckades man häva vidare spridning.

Full story:

An elephant killed a West German tourist

March 28, 1989
BANGKOK, THAILAND — ELEPHANT KILLS TOURIST. An elephant killed a West German tourist who tried to stroke its trunk as it bathed in a river in northern Thailand, Thai police said Monday. The woman, Helga Torbirt, 49, of Mainz, was picked up and thrown down by the elephant on March 21 during a hike near Chiang Mai.

German tourist mauled in Sicily in another feral dog attack

Catania, Sicily - A 24-year-old German tourist was in a "critical" condition in Sicily on Tuesday after she was bitten by feral dogs close to where a boy was killed in a similar attack on Sunday.

The woman was taken by helicopter to a hospital in Catania where her life was "in danger" following injuries to the face, chest, abdomen and legs, a hospital official Angelo Pellicano said.

The attack which took place on a beach near the town of Scicli on Italian island's southern coast, came amid growing outrage over what critics say are inadequate measures to deal with stray dogs.

Police have warned locals to stay indoors as hundreds of dogs are believed to be roaming in the area, a popular tourist destination.

On Sunday 10-year-old Giuseppe Brafa died after being bitten in the neck and face by a pack of dogs which hours before in separate attacks had injured a 40-year-old man and another child.

The dogs had escaped from a small-holding whose owner was commissioned by municipal authorities to care for captured strays.

Police later arrested the man on suspicion of animal abuse after dozens of malnourished and sick dogs were found on his property.

The attacks have highlighted the issue of stray or feral dogs in Italy, estimated to number some 400,000 - most of them abandoned pets. (dpa)


Monday, October 24, 2011

Polar Bear Attack At German Zoo

This is the terrifying moment a woman was attacked by a polar bear after jumping into its zoo enclosure.
The 32-year-old leapt over bars at Berlin Zoo during the bears' feeding time yesterday. 
Despite six zookeepers' efforts to distract the four predators kept in the enclosure, the woman was bitten several times on her arms and legs.

Full story:

Germans and crocodiles

German tourist killed in crocodile attack

Posted: Wednesday, October 23, 2002
CANBERRA, Australia (AP) -- A 13-foot crocodile killed a German tourist who was swimming at one of Australia's largest national parks, police said Wednesday.
Kakadu National Park rangers retrieved the 24-year-old woman's body after harpooning the crocodile.

Husband eaten by lion

Normally when you have a marital tiff the husband can storm off to the pub and the wife to a friends house. Unfortunately these are not options when you are on safari at a remote and luxurious safari lodge near Etosha National Park in Namibia.
After an argument between a German couple,  the husband stormed out of his tent and decided to sleep outside. Unfortunately this is not a good option with large carnivores about. He was not seen again and very little was found. Its a timely warning that wild animals are, well, wild and must be treated with the utmost respect.

Shark attack kills German tourist at resort in Egypt

"A German woman has been killed in a shark attack while snorkelling off the Egyptian Red Sea resort of Sharm el-Sheikh, officials say.
The death comes after four people were injured in similar attacks at the resort earlier in the week.
The authorities had reopened the waters after saying they had captured the sharks involved in the earlier attacks.
Officials say they are baffled by the repeated attacks and are consulting marine biologists."
Full story:

German eaten by cannibals

Stefan uppäten av kannibaler: En tragedi

Den tyske äventyraren Stefan Ramin, 40, åts upp av kannibaler.
Nu jagas den inhemske jägaren Henri Haiti misstänkt för mordet.
- Vi föredrar varmkorv framför människor, säger lokala öbor. 
Det var i mitten av september som Stefan Ramin från Haselau i nordvästra Tyskland och hans flickvän Heike Dorsch, 37, la till vid ön Nuku Hiva i Polynesien.
Stoppet - som skulle bli deras sista - var en del i deras dittills tre år långa världsomsegling.
Stefan Ramin försvann efter att han gett sig in i djungeln tillsammans med den inhemske guiden Henri Haiti, 31, för att jaga getter.
Guiden kom senare tillbaka utan Stefan och hävdade att han skadats i skogen uppger flickvännen.
Nu har Stefan Ramins kvarlevor hittats - bland askan i en eldstad. Myndigheterna misstänker att han har blivit uppäten av kannibaler - och Henri Haiti är på flykt.

Föredrar varmkorv

Fotografier av guiden visar att han har en krigartatuering som tillhör en känd kannibalstam som lever på ön, skriver Daily Mail.
Men boende på ön förnekar bestämt att det skulle finnas kannibaler i området:
- Vi föredrar att äta varmkorv framför människor. De här historierna om människoköttsätande öbor är helt påhittade, säger journalisten Alex Du Prel till Daily Mail.
En vän till Stefan Ramin uttrycker sin sorg över äventyrarens öde:
- Det är en tragedi att en man med sådan livsglädje tvingades avsluta sina dagar på ett så grymt sätt.
